Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hard work standing on the sidelines.

Some of the most consistent weather for quite a while. In spite all of the bruised bodies and damaged equipment, some fairly decent sessions are being 'racked up'.
Roll on the rehab....


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Reports of tired bodies coming in....

I am reliably informed, that sails measuring 6.0m or less have been regularly dusted off over the last few weeks!
With this epic run of high wind windsurfing going on, some senior sailors are starting to comment on the state of their 'burnt out' bodies.
From one, who has to settle for spectating from the shoreline for a little longer,..."harden up fellas! I'm no GP, but surely that's why beer and anti-inflammatories were invented!"

Great run of Spring sailing, continues....

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Monster Garage Sale - Fergy Park, This Saturday

Saturday, 16 October 2010, 8:00am - 2:00pm
WindAddiction is organizing a monster community garage sale to raise funds for an internet accessible wind meter to be installed at the Fergusson Park clubhouse, and to help the other clubs that share in our clubhouse.
Come along and support this event!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Met with the WindAddiction crew.....

The Bay of Plenty kiteboarder's club, WindAddiction, have now opened up their membership to include the local windsurfing community. Excellent member benefits, as well as a shared philosophy of fun,(on the water) and social activity,(off the water)., off to do some recruiting!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Association Under Construction

Presently canvassing local sailors and prospective association partners.
The intent; to co-ordinate windsurfing activities, raise the profile of the sport and promote a few quiet, post sailing beers social interaction within the region.